
Well, I’ve just been to vote. It’s likely to be a close thing here in Cardiff Central between Labour and Lib Dems – Jon Owen Jones, the Labour candidate, only got in by around 600 votes last time. To be honest, I’d be surprised if he got in again after all that Labour’s been through. Wandering around Cathays, most of the posters and signs up are for the Liberal Democrats, with only the occasional Plaid Cymru or Labour poster to be seen. As for the Conservatives? Well, I’ve seen no sign of them apart from a helicopter flying over with a banner saying “Imagine five more years of Tony Blair. Vote Conservative“!

I’ve not been posting on this blog very much. I’m a bit busy with revision and stuff at the moment (or should be). 11 days until my exams start, and I’ve got a pretty hectic revision timetable to keep up with.

I note with interest that one of the upcoming Doctor Who books is called The Stealers of Dreams, a title which is very similar to the Doctor Who script proposal I submitted to Big Finish, The Dream Stealer. I’m planning to use the idea in one of the books in the series I’m planning, so I hope this story won’t be too similar, otherwise it would look liek I’d pinched the idea!

Speaking of Doctor Who, I’ve not commented on the most recent episodes. Aliens of London had farting aliens disguised as MPs while a spaceship containing a space pig crashed into Big Ben, and while it was a bit better than that probably makes it sound, it was probably the weakest episode of the series so far. The second part of that story, World War Three was considerably stronger, and turned the story into a satire on the politics of fear. In one particularly funny scene, one of the Slitheen, disguised as the acting Prime Minister, told the world that alien spaceships are poised above Earth, with Massive Weapons of Destruction capable of being deployed in 45 seconds, and that the United Nations needed to allow Britain to use nuclear weapons against this (actually non-existent) threat. And this was so that they could reduce Earth to a pile of radioactive rubble to sell as fuel in the galactic market. There was also less toilet humour, and when the Slitheen went on the hunt, they were actually quite creepy.

Last Saturday saw the return of the Daleks! Well, one of them anyway, apparently the last Dalek survivor of the last Time War, in which both the the Time Lords and Daleks were destroyed. It was very dramatic, with lots of very tense dialogue and confrontation, but it was also a bit thin on plot and on humour. The Dalek had quite a few nifty new abilities, and came to a suitably disturbing end…

Well, I better get back to work, alas. Last night I was procrastinating my Poetry revision for English by writing my own poetry, which I might post here for comments and criticism sometime soon. Toodle-oo!

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