Time warp

Not unusually, I got to bed later than I intended on Saturday evening. I thought I’d turned my alarm off, but instead it went off at 7:15am as per a weekday – arrgh! I was still very sleepy and set my alarm for another two hours and went back to sleep. That would leave me plenty of time to get up, get ready and go to church. But two hours later, rather than leaping enthusiastically out of bed, I just went “arrgh!” again and rolled over, and again went back to sleep.

I woke up at 10:15am, just as I knew that the Breaking of Bread service at Mackintosh would be starting. I got dressed, had breakfast and set out, knowing that I would at least arrive in time for tea and coffee in the interval before the Family Time service. But to my surprise, when I got in at what I thought was 11:15, rather than disappearing to the hall to get refreshments, everyone was just sitting down. A quick glance at the clock answered my confusion, as suddenly I remembered – the clocks had gone back.

And I’m very glad I did go to the Breaking of Bread service. It was really good, a great time of sharing together as we remembered Christ’s sacrifice for us. I got the best of both worlds – a lazy lie-in, and being in time for a really great church service!

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