Search for a Church #1: Highfields Evangelical Church

Well, things have been pretty hectic the last week or so, and that, combined with the lack of an Internet connection, has meant that I haven’t been able to update my blog. But fear not! Normal service, or at least, the customary level of abnormality, will shortly be restored.Anyway, it might interest you to hear about my search for a church here in Cardiff. Even if it doesn’t, putting down my thoughts on the different places I visit will help when I try to decide on which church to regularly attend.My first port of call was Highfields Free Evangelical Church, which several people have recommended to me as very good. Apparently quite a lot of those involved with the Christian Union go there – I was met by Hannah who came to show me and another student (who didn’t turn up) the way to Highfields, together with a couple of other people, including Simon, President of the CU. It’s around a quarter of an hour’s walk or so from my hall of residence to Highfields, which is nicely local.The service was very good. The congregation was rather dauntingly huge compared to my home church back in Bala. The songs were a good mix of fashionable modern songs and a few older hymns. The sermon was on Revelation 2:1-??, the letter to the church as Ephesus, and the main message was the absolute necessity and importance of love. I’m fairly familiar with the passage from my Bible studies in Revelation, and it was all very good stuff. (Though I’m not sure I agree with the passing comment the preacher made about the antichrist being in Revelation later on. Unless I’m missing something obvious, I think you’ll find that the antichrist is only referred to in 1 and 2 John, though Revelation describes a lot of events and figures who are anti-Christian.) All in all, it was a good service. I think the thing that is most likely to put me off Highfields is the fear of becoming lost in the crowd, since nobody really came to talk to me afterwards or noticed I was there…

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