Books for reading week!

This morning some books I’d ordered from IVP arrived in the post, just in time for Reading Week next week, which is nicely timed! They are:

Modern Art and the Death of a Culture by H R Rookmaaker.

The Discerning Reader: Christian perspectives on literature and theory edited by David Barratt, Roger Pooley and Leland Ryken.

Patterns in History: A Christian Perspective on Historical Thought by David Bebbington.

The Discerning Reader looks like it will be very helpful for my dissertation on Christian literary criticism, especially the survey of that field. I want to approach my dissertation on the subject from the viewpoint of practical criticism rather than focusing on literary theory (which is often philosophy in literary guise). Anyway, these three volumes should keep me busy for a bit – if I get time, I’ll post some thoughts on them here at a later date.

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