Hello and welcome!

Hello! I think some introductions are in order… I am Caleb, an 18-year-old who is soon to be a student at Cardiff University. I’m going to be sharing some of my thoughts, feelings and observations as I go through this hopefully exciting and probably slightly scary stage of my life! It’s also a way for those of you who know me to keep up to date with what’s happening in my life (hi Mum!). So I’ll be using this blog as a journal, a newsletter and a place to voice my opinions on anything that takes my fancy. I might even decide to inflict you with some of my poetry and writings, so be warned.A little about me… I come from a small town in Wales – very nice scenery, especially if you like sheep. Dwi hefyd yn siarad Cymraeg, felly croeso mawr i ynrhyw Cymru sydd yn darllen! I was one of the strange ones in school – didn’t pay much attention to current trends like “fashion” or “coolness”, my head was usually in a book and knew rather too much about computers. Not a lot has changed now, though I’m hopefully better at being sociable and friendly than the little squirt that I was a few years ago.Rather than regale you with a list of my interests and achievements as if you were an admissions tutor reading my personal statement, I’ll just collect a bunch of relevant nouns in one big splurge. If you understand what they all refer to, well done, you’re probably me!

books DADS pizza Inform Bible boot camp Lovely InfinityPlus exciting adventures In time and space the ghost of Sidney mystery worshipping Australian Bala evangelical church “You Are A Wooonderful Woman!” dem bones adventures in Odyssey cycling City of Perceptions outpost gallifrey “dydi ‘saes’ dim yn air drwg” chevron 3 encoded the Dream Stealer his own dark designs? the Cake Detective before the throne Warning: Lunatic Asylum axe-murdering kit-Kat daleks Somewhere outside of Space WHAT?! beowulf vs dinosaurs cornerstone the Fields of Arbol spifflication author strudel

Mean anything to you? Well, keep reading and you might understand some of them, though I make no guarantee that even eventually they will make any sense, or indeed that I will.I think one of the things which will quickly become evident is that one of the bees in my bonnet is finding out what’s true. Now in these postmodern times that might seem a quixotic and futile quest, and I’ll have plenty to say in discussion of that accusation. But it seems to me to be fundamental to life that we should at least try and find out and live our lives in light of what’s true. I myself am a Christian – personal experience and the record of history lead me to believe that a man named Jesus was executed on the cross, and then came back to life, as he predicted, and proving his claim to be the Son of God come to save the world! Now that’s something I’ve examined and questioned many times, and which I hope I will be able to continue to question and examine. Seeking the truth is a scary enterprise – there’s the terrifying prospect that you might have to change your beliefs, and there’s the equally scary prospect that you might turn out to be right. But it’s nothing to the horror I have for just accepting unquestioningly what I believe just because that’s the easiest and most comfortable thing to do.This is basically is what this blog will be all about, because this is what I want my life to be all about – my quest for truth and knowledge, and a better understanding of the world. I’m about to go off to university, and my studies will hopefully teach me lots of knowledge. But also just generally, in meeting other people, in trying new things and discussing ideas I hope that I will grow as a person, in experience and in wisdom. It should be quite a ride – I hope you will enjoy sharing some of it with me.

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