Caleb Woodbridge

Yo ho ho, it’s a writer’s life for me

In my gap between finishing at the cinema and starting my new job at the beginning of the week, I’ve been getting on with various bits of writing:

Towards the end of January, I finished my rewrites on my Doctor Who short story that’s being published in the collection How the Doctor Changed My Life this summer. The running order of the stories has been decided, the foreword written, and hopefully it’ll be ready to pre-order online in the near future!

I also wrote the first draft of the script for a 10 minute television short for It’s my shout! called Eira and the Snow-charmer. I’ve had some feedback from the Mack writers’ group and from my “mentor” from the TAPS course, and need to submit the finished script by a week today. I’m now around one third of the way through redrafting it.

Talking of the Mack writers’ group, Claire has finished her novel and is sending it out in search of someone to publish it. It’s a very entertaining story about pirates and tall tales, and I hope it finds a publisher. Peter’s novel is now into its third draft and shaping up well. It’s great being able to compare notes with the group and read their stories. It’s also fun seeing each other’s fingerprints begin to show on one another’s stories, as we adopt some of the suggestions and ideas we give each other.

The first third of my novel This Darkened World is now completed (the first draft, that is), and I’ve begun work on the second act – first stop, a lighthouse on the moon. I’ve had a fun idea for this year’s Nanowrimo involving supervillains and family fights, so my target is to finish the first draft of my current novel in time to start writing that in November.

I’ve also got an idea for a non-fiction publication for students about thinking Christianly, which I plan to start pitching to Christian publishers soon. So plenty of projects to keep me busy!

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