Caleb Woodbridge

What do you think of this idea?

I’ll soon be off back to Cardiff. It’s been nice being at home, enjoying the company of my family and having my mum’s home cooking, not having to do all my own chores and so on. It’ll be quite nice to go back, though, and see my friends again. I’m also looking forward to writing for the student newspaper some more, and hopefully getting the ball rolling on the society I want to set up. Here’s my idea:The Truth Seekers Society

(Other possible names: Questions Society, Seek Soc, Searchers, Aleithiological Society, or something along those lines.)
What’s the purpose?
To create a place for people of all beliefs to meet in friendship in order to pursue the two main aims of the society:

What will be discussed?Basically anything which people would like to discuss, such as:

What will the society do?

Once a month or so there will be a more formal meeting. A few speakers might be invited to talk and discuss a particular topic. First, they will talk and set out their positions, and then it will be opened up for discussion and debate both between the speakers and involving the audience. A poll may be taken at the beginning and end to see what people think and whether they change their minds. Hopefully there will be a wide variety of interesting and prominent guests, the best we can get!
The pattern for discussion will often be along the lines of “What do we think?” “Why do we think it?” “What’s the case for what we think?” and “What do we do about it?”
The society hopes to have close links with other student societies e.g. Debating Society, Islamic Society, Christian Union, Philosophy society, and so on, in order to provide a forum in which different groups can come together to learn from each other and discuss their beliefs.
The society will seek to equip people to put what they believe into action. This could be such things as providing information on ethical eating, encouraging members to vote, taking part in protests and so on. However, it will not take a position as an organization – every individual member’s beliefs will belong to them and them alone.
Who can come?
Anyone is welcome to come and join in.
All opinions and ideas can be discussed, but everyone must treat others with respect and civility.
(This is not because their beliefs and opinions necessarily have any value or validity, but because as a person they are due that respect – so even if they’re talking garbage, it’s no excuse to be rude to them!) So, what do you think? Comments please!

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