Caleb Woodbridge

Wall-E and the Ark in Space

Last week Bev and I went to watch Wall-E, a love story about two robots. Wall-E has been left behind to clean up Earth, which has been abandoned due to all the pollution and rubbish, but then he meets a sleek “female” robot called Eve, who’s a bit like a Mac to his PC.

I loved it. You wouldn’t think that a story about two robots could be this good, but it is. The start of the story is a bit slow, but things really kick off once they head into space. It’s got a good environmental message, and an entertaining yet disturbing vision of what humanity could become.

Parts of it reminded me a bit of the story of Noah’s Ark, and I wasn’t the only one. Mark Meynell writes on his blog about the themes in the story, including some of the Biblical parallels and resonances – well worth a read!

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