Caleb Woodbridge

Unloading the information overload

I’ve not updated my blog in quite a while. I’ve been busy starting a new job, working on some writing projects, and still settling into married life, trying to get the hang of managing all the exciting reponsibilities of adulthood, such as paying bills on time.

Getting used to the relentless routine of working life takes quite an adjustment. I’ve been having to think carefully about the different activities I try and be involved in, and trying to find a workable balance to our life. I’ve got quite a few thoughts on dealing with busyness that I’d like to blog about – if I find the time!

One area where it’s easy to overload is information, especially with the Internet. I’ve come across some good articles recently on slowing down and reducing the overload, especially when it comes to information and communication. These are all worth a read:

I tend to be a bit of an information junkie, reading lots of blogs, checking news websites frequently, listening to lots of podcasts, gobbling down books in quick, hurried readings, and so on.

But as with most things, quality is more important than quantity. I’ve been trying to cut out the irrelevant, and just keep up with what I really find to be worthwhile – trimming down the number of blogs I read, checking internet forums less frequently, and so on. I’ve pretty much given up on Twitter – it’s 99% distraction to 1% anything remotely useful.

Also, I’m trying to really think about and digest what I read and listen to, rather than skimming and rushing through things. I’m trying to train myself to slow down and really engage with what’s being said. Better to really understand and think through one book, than to skim and forget half a dozen.

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