Caleb Woodbridge

Truth, the Gospel and Student Societies

From talking through the idea I have for a society with other Christians in particular, I think that I might have given some people the wrong impression, and some of those I’ve talked to have tried to measure it up by a standard that isn’t really relevant. It isn’t intended to be a Christian society in any way, but some of those I’ve talked to seem to be evaluating it in terms of its evangelistic potential, which I think misses the point somewhat. The idea is to create something that will act as a framework for facilitating dialogue between different groups and action in pursuit of right knowledge and right living.

Now since I believe Christianity to be the truth, I hope that this will lead people to consider the Christian faith, and I hope that through Christians being involved people will hear the Gospel, but these are my personal hopes rather than part of what I want the society to be. I think it’s a valid question whether or not it would be better to do something more “directly” evangelistic, but I believe helping to create something to help get people talking and thinking about important issues, be they political, ethical, or indeed spiritual, is something worthwhile in and of itself.

My Christian beliefs give me particular reason to believe that searching for truth is important, but that isn’t something exclusively Christian. For example, campaigns for justice are things that are right and good and that Christians have particular reason to join in with these, as we can see in figures like William Wilburforce and Martin Luther King, but they aren’t exclusively Christian issues.

One of the things that particularly bothers me in society at the moment is when “tolerance” is taken to mean “agreeing never to disagree” rather than “agreeing to disagree”. The former actually stifles debate and learning, while the other, if conducted with respect and politeness, is far more constructive and helpful. I’d like to encourage genuine interaction between different groups and ideas, and I’d really like to try and bring discussion into the public in a greater way.

At the same time free and open discussion is something that I hope might help people consider Christianity. But I think that many people will be far more open to a group that doesn’t have an agenda of its own to push, and will be far more open to hear the good news of Jesus in an environment of mutual discussion and exchange of ideas rather than something like Alpha or Christianity Explored, which are really geared to people who are already interested in Christianity. As a Christian, I believe the Bible and the Gospel can stand up to scrutiny and rational consideration.

All this discussion gives a very skewed impression of what I envision the society to be about! I’d like it to cover a whole range of issues and debates, not abstract “religious” type stuff. But since Jesus is my lord and king, I must consider the way I serve him in everything I do, from the career that I choose to the food that I eat to the friends that I make to the stuff I give my time to, as well as the obvious things like “not lying” and so on. That’s why I’m considering the “Christian implications” of this society, even though it isn’t in any way a specifically Christian venture – I seek to do everything to please God and to show his love. Now if you know me at all you know how much I fail, but it’s a good ambition to have!

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