Caleb Woodbridge

Matt Smith’s costume – middle class or mad scientist?

Doctor Who has started filming again, with Matt Smith as the Doctor! I was quoted in yesterday’s South Wales Echo about his costume.

Dr Who fan Caleb Woodbridge, 23, who works for Cardiff University and lives in Roath, Cardiff, said the Doctor’s new look was a counter-balance for his youth. “It’s very much in keeping with Doctor Who costumes to have something a bit unusual,” he said. “He looks the part. It suggests a more traditional approach to the Doctor. It seems to be more of a return to the role of the Doctor as a slightly more middle-class figure.”

Unfortunately, they seem to have misquoted me slightly – I think I said “a slightly more mad scientist” figure, not “middle class”. I went on to say that they seemed to have moved away from anything that looked obviously action hero, going for a more professorial look rather like Indiana Jones when he’s actually teaching. Also, I’ve been demoted from “superfan” to a mere “fan”. Oh well, that’s journalism for you!

Anyway, I wish Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and all the Doctor Who production team all the best in filming series 5, and hope to spot them out and about on the streets of Cardiff sometime soon!

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