Caleb Woodbridge

End of term…

Blimey, that’s gone quickly!My last seminar of the term is at 1.10pm, and after that I’ll be both finished and heading straight for the train station. I’m not hanging around, am I? I’m not heading home until Sunday, though, but instead going to visit friends and family elsewhere first.It’s been quite an experience, this first term. Now that I’m not going to be so busy with lectures, essays and reading, plus all the societies and stuff going on, I plan to write up some of the things that have impacted me the last couple of months or so. I’ve really enjoyed it, and I’m really buzzing with the sense of We Are The People Of Tomorrow and that I want to Change The World! Some of what I have learned has really opened my eyes to how basically corrupt, immoral and stupid our society and the world in general is. The question is, what to do about it. But more on that later…One of the other great things is making friends with some great people. In particular, I’ve had a great time getting involved with the student paper Gair Rhydd, the Christian Union, the Debating Society, Navigators and various other things as well! I’m beginning to feel more comfortable and settled in by now, so I’m able to really enjoy these things.I’ve also been really challenged spiritually in many areas, and I thank God for the way he has helped me grow. One of the things that being an Impoverished Student™ has helped me in is becoming less bothered about material things. The discipline of not spending much money yet feeling possibly the most fulfilled I’ve been so far in my life has helped me to see that I don’t need mere buying stuff to make me happy. I don’t need mere things. Don’t be taken in by the lie of Consumerism: happiness does not lie in the abundance of your possessions or the extravagance of your spending.Another thing that has struck me is the real challenge of living my entire life, heart and mind and soul and strength, loving God and loving my fellow mankind. But being in Christ, he is my shepherd, I shall not want. He provides, he is my strength. Like everyone, I find it hard to place things outside of my control and into the hands of God. God, by his grace, is making me more and more aware of the need to do this and is really encouraging me in these things. I read Galatians the other evening, and it really came alive – it’s just so incredible. Freedom in Christ! Made sons of God! And also the challenge to walk in step with the Spirit. Great stuff.Well, time for my lunch now. Only three hours until I leave for Maidenhead! More to come soon…

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