Caleb Woodbridge

China Trip – Day 14: The journey home

The last in a series of posts detailing my adventures in China exactly one year ago (give or take a few days). I intend to finish off with a few thoughts on my trip one year on sometimes in the next few days.

Extract from my journal:
Saturday 10th March 2007

The plane is somewhere over the North Sea, and we’ll soon be coming in to land at Heathrow. Today is literally a long day for me, eight hours longer than usual because of the time difference, and I pray the jetlag won’t affect me too badly.

We had some time for some last minute shopping in Shanghai before leaving this morning, and I got a Chinese jacket from a shop near the hotel. Jay bought one that’s made from real silk, and had it tailored to him overnight. I got a rather cheaper one, that’s still very nice and distinctive, and which fitted me very well straight off.

We were slightly late checking in, and were further held up when the bijiu in Laura’s baggage set off an alarm as the luggage went through security! Once on the plane, I tried to sleep, but didn’t much, and I want to try and adapt to British time as quickly as I can. I’ve been reading Hudson Taylor’s biography, and it’s really challenging to read about his life and faith. I’d like to help reach China with the Gospel, but need to seek God’s guidance on how best to serve him. I feel firstly called to engage with British culture, but hopefully I can find ways of supporting from home.

I’ve also been writing notes for my dissertation, History essay and election campaign – the following weeks will be very busy! In a way it’s sad that the trip is over, but I’m glad to be almost home.

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