Caleb Woodbridge

A belated happy 2008!

Well, another year has passed, and another begun. I’d say that “time flies”, but this past year has been so packed that the beginning of 2007 seems long ages past.

2007 was a very busy year for me – visiting L’Abri, Christian Union “id:entity” mission week, History trip to China, running in the student union elections, visiting Iona, my dissertation and finals, graduation, the Nefyn mission, Contagious, job-hunting, starting work at the cinema, and writing a novel in a month. On the sadder side of things, my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer at the beginning of the year, and is still being treated for that, though all the treatment is going well. But on the brighter side, there’s just the small matter of my relationship with the lovely Beverley. I wonder what 2008 will bring?

Well, here are some of the things I’m looking forward to: firstly, my sister Becky’s marriage to Rich Andrews. They recently got engaged and will be getting married on 12th July. Secondly, my Doctor Who short story will be published this summer, my first professionally published piece of fiction. Hopefully I’ll find a “proper” job and finish the first draft of my other novel, This Darkened World, and also begin redrafting that. I’ve applied for the CARE intern programme, which I think I’d really enjoy. If it’s anything like this year, it’ll be full of twists and turns and surprises.

I realise that the blog has been rather quiet lately. Life is fairly busy, so I’ll make no promises about regular updates, but I hope to make the time to write on various subjects on here a little more frequently!

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