Recent interesting webpages…

Here are some of the webpages I’ve been reading over the last week or so:

  • Under Torch Wood – a very funny spoof of Torchwood (which I’m now going to give up on, I think), which Claire sent me a link to.
  • I recently bemoaned the dumbing-down of Horizon with their “Are chimps people too?” edition, and last week’s “Human 2.0” episode was even sillier, and you can read an entertaining account of why here.
  • Inhabitents of Maidenhead beware! Maidenhead is actually my home town (from long, long ago… I’m definitely a Welshman by now!) so I was entertained to read of it being menaced by a Dalek earlier this year. Thankfully, all my relatives down there seem to have all survived…
  • I discovered a very good Christian analysis of Philip Pullman’s wonderful but flawed His Dark Materials trilogy. (The link wasn’t working when I tried to visit it again just now to check the site name, but hopefully the site will be up again soon.) I also read a not-so-good analysis which claimed “It’s all about sex“, and that Philip Pullman wrote the books specifically against Christian sexual morality, a claim I’ve discussed in the Comments of that piece.
  • It was Reformation Day on 31st October. Celebrate by singing The Reformation Polka, to the tune of “Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious”. Better yet, celebrate it by nailing 95 ways to reform the Church in the twenty-first century to the door of your nearest church building.
  • Dan Edelen just written a very good series on Being the Body (part one, two, three, four, five). I’d really recommend his thought on what being the body of Christ should look like in practical terms, especially for us at Mack as we think about where the church is going.
  • Oh, and my gair rhydd article on the filming of Doctor Who at Cardiff University is now online, though without the accompanying photo of David Tennant and Freema Agyeman. I’ll have to see if I can get that picture uploaded to the website…
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